Monday 28 July 2014

My Faith

A couple of days ago I mentioned on a forum post how excited I am in relation to the upcoming same-sex marriage referendum and the possibility it could pass here in Ireland.  I honestly want "Catholic" Ireland to be a thing of the past.  

I have this, and other more liberal opinions. Yet I call myself a Catholic and see no contradiction in this. A Catholic mind you, not just a Christian.  I believe in    the Nicene Creed, I believe in the Resurrection, I believe in Transubstantiation and I believe in the Virgin birth. These are all matters of Faith (with a capital F) because there is no proof of these occurring.  I believe the Pope is a Spiritual Leader for Catholics on Earth, and I believe the community of Catholics can be a force for good.  

I'm not a very good Catholic though, in some senses of the word.  I don't believe the Pope is infallible for one, and I think a lot of traditions and practices within the Catholic Church sprang up from its temporal role and power.  These fall under politics for me, separate from Spiritual matters. 

So how do I live my Faith? Love and forgiveness are the two main tenets.  We all have free will, every person is resposible for making their own decisions and living with them.  All I can do is make my choices according to whether I believe I am committing a sin or not, and forgive others who I think have sinned.

A big question I suppose is the question of life, reproduction and sex. Should sex be approached each time as a an occasion of creating life? And if it isn't, for  whatever reason, is it a sin? My answer to that last question is no. Sex is part and parcel of a couple's relationship, part of what makes them one. It's important for a strong stable relationship, which is important to form strong stable families in which to bring up the next generation. 

I don't agree with having children for the sake of having children. Each child deserves to be loved and cared for to the same degree. Modern science has taught us that conception occurs only when sperm meets ovum and implantation happens.  That is why I don't believe my use of contraception is a sin. I think the bigger sin would be not caring what type of life and care I want to give my kids.  Not everyone has these choices though, I acknowledge that. 

I do believe that abortion is a sin though, and I know personally I couldn't make that choice.  I will vote though if I get the chance for the limited legalisation of abortion here in this country.  We do not know for sure when consciousness begins or when life begins.  At six weeks, is a foetus who cannot survive outside its mothers womb alive or a possibility of life? My belief is mine, and I have no right to impose it on others. They have their own will, and their own responsibility for their choices.  

That is also why I absolutely believe in the   separation of Church and State, whether the religion in question is Christianity, Islam or Hinduism. Civil marriage is a right to which all citizens should have access, and no State should deny its own citizens the right to be who they are once this does not bring harm to others.

In fact I believe preventing citizens from forming close, loving relationships with a partner of their choice (same-sex or not) or living as the gender they feel they are (including on official documents) is harming them. And harming others for no good reason is a sin.

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